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Lorentz Bruun has a full-time, in-house staff of professionals dedicated solely to providing our clients with a full spectrum of preconstruction services. Though our services vary based on project delivery method, market requirements and our unique client needs, what doesn’t vary are the results—detailed, accurate and complete data up front, allowing for comprehensive, informed decision-making, cost control and schedule adherence.
Accurate estimating is a key element in our approach to maintaining cost control. Throughout the project, we will estimate, and value engineer all costs of the work with regard to options and alternative systems suggested by us, the Owner and/or the Architect. Budgets are prepared as soon as project requirements have been identified and are updated continuously for review. All budget information, project costs and related information are reported frequently to the owner. We continually update and further refine this estimate for the Owner's approval as the development of the drawings and specifications progress.
Our Pre-Construction Services Include:
Existing Conditions Analysis
Constructability Analysis
Schematic Design Review and Pricing
Design Document Review and Pricing
Construction Document Review and Pricing
Cost Budget Log
Value Engineering
Scheduling and Phasing
Risk Management
Preparation of Subcontractor Packages